


1988年在澳大利亚, a young boy was thrilled to be at the six-month-long World Expo 88 hosted in his hometown, 布里斯班.

对他和妹妹来说,世博会是一扇通向世界的迷人窗口, 三天的世博会通行证到期后, 这对兄妹坚持要父母给他们一张季票. 从那时起, 每个周末和整个学校假期,他们都匆匆赶往世博会, 渴望得到每一个参展国家在他们的世博会护照上盖章.

The young boy grew up and earned his bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the Queensland University of Technology and later, a master's degree in construction management from the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. 25岁时,他离开了这座城市,此后一直留在国外, pursuing roles as a civil engineer and planning engineer across the Middle East and the United Kingdom.

切换到现在, 年后, 杰森·奎克的88年世博会护照和季票作为纪念品带在身边很安全!

这是Jason,项目总监 2020年迪拜世博会, the first World Expo in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia region, transforming a 4.38km2 场地成为持久的城市遗产. 事后, more than 80% of the infrastructure and built environment will be repurposed for a future human-centric smart city, 2020地区.

“我非常欣赏贾森管理整个团队的方式, 咨询顾问, 客户, 承包商也是如此——他的理性之声赢得了所有人的支持, 以及澳大利亚人的善良(或者可能是他提供的甜甜圈)! 世博会很幸运有杰森来掌舵, 在个人层面上, I'm very lucky to count Jason as a friend and will always have fond memories of working in Al Bidda Tower, with the other Precinct Leads having our meetings overlooking Doha Bay – plus the many social events that followed!”




以前, as the Project Director and part of the extended  Project Management Consultancy (PMC) leadership team, Jason led a team responsible for developing the master plan for both Expo 2020 and 2020地区 and delivering the public realm landscaping across the Expo 2020 master plan. 他目前的职位是方案主任, Jason is responsible for program delivery while leading the team through to the end of the project, 一直到世博会开幕.

杰森很高兴能成为2020年世博会的一员,主要有两个原因. 第一个, 有机会重温他小时候在88年和第二次世博会上感受到的兴奋, 有机会参与世界上最大的基建工程之一, 发生在一个世界级的城市, where they faced an exciting challenge – transforming an area that was essentially sand dunes and home to camel farms to a whopping 4.500万平方米的世界级景点,拥有一个完全定义的遗产区.

当COVID-19大流行震惊世界时,2020年世博会也未能幸免. 谈论新常态下的安全协议, 杰森说, "We have robust COVID-19 guidelines and any suspected interactions with a COVID-positive individual mandates strict adherence to our guidelines as well as those from Expo."

回顾世博会至今最难忘的时刻, 贾森讲述了阿联酋最高领导人最近的实地考察. 来见证人们对我们最近完成的一些令人惊叹的景点的反应, including the mammoth Expo 2020 Water feature and the Garden in the Sky observation tower was something special, 他看到了这次活动的成功对迪拜的意义.

最近, 杰森带走了他的妻子, 克莱尔, 四岁的儿子查理和六岁的女儿, 亚历山德拉, 到世博会. 分享这次访问是多么有趣, 他说, “我带他们去了世博馆首映式的开幕日, 在经历了所有有趣的事情之后, 他们认为爸爸整天都在现场玩游戏!”

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